Fraud Blocker Parent Training Resources: Empowering Families with Scottsdale PBS

Parent Training

Parent Training Q & A

What is Parent Training?

As a parent, you want to provide your child with everything they need to thrive. However, if your child has a behavioral or developmental disorder, such as an autism spectrum disorder, your child has unique needs, and you might need additional knowledge and support to best support them. 

Scottsdale Pediatric Behavioral Services uses applied behavior analysis (ABA) to help children with developmental and behavioral disorders. 

As with all behavioral change, consistency is critical, so they team offers parent training to help you increase your understanding of your child’s needs and strategies and techniques to support and continue your child’s progress at home. 

Parent training is highly collaborative. While the team at Scottsdale Pediatric Behavioral Services is exceptionally well-trained and experience, you are the expert on your child.

What do I Learn in Parent Training?

During parent training, you learn about the ABA principle of positive reinforcement, strategies to set the stage for good behavior, and techniques to avoid your child’s triggers. 

Adhering to the same standards set in the therapeutic setting at home and in other environments ensures the consistency needed to encourage change.

You also learn to create an environment where good behavior is not only rewarded but easy for your child. For example, you learn how to:

  • Clarify expectations before a potentially problematic activity
  • Provide countdowns for transitions
  • Provide enough choice to empower the child, but little enough to not overwhelm them
  • Create effective and immediate consequences for misbehavior

You also work to identify your child’s triggers, such as hunger, crowds, or fatigue, and strategies to avoid them. 

You learn and practice strategies to adjust your behavior and expectations as well. Day-to-day life is often unpredictable, and you need to be able to adapt to unexpected changes and help your child learn to cope as well. 

For example, you might be tempted to call out to your child instead of speaking to them face to face, or you might feel pressured to give them instructions before you have sufficient information to make them clear enough for your child.

What are the Benefits of Parent Training?

The ultimate benefit of parent training is that you develop the knowledge and skills you need to support your child. 

Additionally, studies show that parental involvement increases the chances of positive outcomes. In many cases, parent training helps parents improve their relationship with their children.

Call Scottsdale Pediatric Behavioral Services or make an appointment online today to learn more about parent training.